How do u mean??.. U mean my waec result??..
Bro ...
I will sell starting from my birth certificate,my primary termly result from nursery 1 to primary 6.. I wl gv u the receipts of all my school fees... I wl gv u all the documents with I had in my secondary school.... My jamb result... My photocopy of the results... My matric number.... In fact ehh... Just gv me the money I wl leave my room for you... Cos that's where they all are✌✌
I will not only sell my waec, I will sell my bsc, Nysc certificate and ask the buyer to wait so I can finish my phd and sell it too as jara... Then I will use the money to buy the school I wrote my waec and sell it too.... who waec help 😳
Bro ...
I will sell starting from my birth certificate,my primary termly result from nursery 1 to primary 6.. I wl gv u the receipts of all my school fees... I wl gv u all the documents with I had in my secondary school.... My jamb result... My photocopy of the results... My matric number.... In fact ehh... Just gv me the money I wl leave my room for you... Cos that's where they all are✌✌
I will not only sell my waec, I will sell my bsc, Nysc certificate and ask the buyer to wait so I can finish my phd and sell it too as jara... Then I will use the money to buy the school I wrote my waec and sell it too.... who waec help 😳
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